Jeisa Chiminazzo sexy feet

So now you know how to clear up the occasional bout of adult acne, prevent fine lines and wrinkles (or at least try), and use makeup to hide imperfections (see Celebrity Beauty Secrets Part I and II). Now what about the rest of you? With warm weather knocking at our formerly frost-bitten doors, a girl has got to look golden. Say goodbye to pasty skin, lifeless hair and those extra winter pounds with these celebrity beauty secrets

The Perfect Tan

So what do Jessica Alba, Britney Spears, Paris and Nikki Hilton, and Nicole Richie have in common? Yes they're all famous and they're never seen without a perfect tan (hey, you still should look good in your mug shot or psych ward intake photo right?)

And where else do these celebutants and leading ladies get their bronzed glows than LA Sunset Tan. You know, the notorious LA tanning spa featured on E! Entertainment's hit reality TV show "Sunset Tan". Who can forget the Olly Girls?

"At LA Sunset Tan, we provide the star treatment to our clients that keep celebrity clientele including Jessica Alba, Lindsey Lohan and the Hilton sisters looking radiantly bronzed," says Kevin Haman, CEO and Founder of LA Sunset Tan. "Our signature "LA Sunset Tan Cocktail" offers guests VIP robe service and complimentary beverages as they slip from the state-of-the-art, high-pressure bed into a sunless spray unit in order to achieve the freshest golden glow."

LA Sunset Tan even offers a spray tan that defines muscles, giving the look of a six pack. Is anything real anymore? If it looks good, who cares right?

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