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The stars, like anyone else, sometimes run into issues with their homes and need to sell. Be it a need to upgrade or downgrade in some cases, these homes typically spend a longer amount of time on the market compared to other single family homes that carry a much smaller price tag. It seems that recent months have seen the real estate boom not quite booming when it comes to celebrity homes for sale too
Celebrity homes for sale include Kenny Chesney, who, in a stroke of blind luck, sold his house for 8.5 mil, which was higher than his asking price of 7.9 million, but Kenny is one of the lucky ones. Some celebrity homes for sale are being relisted at lower prices so that they will sell, since the economy and hence the housing market are somewhat down in recent months
If the numbers are anything to go by, celebrity homes for sale are selling at about the same rate as other real estate in today's market. Celebrity actress, famed for her role in Charmed, Shannon Doherty recently re-listed her house, a prime piece of real estate that is located in Malibu, which boasts about 3400 square feet of living space at a price that is reduced over what she had it listed for last year. Doherty listed her house at 4 million, and last year had it on the market for about 4.4 million

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