Suranne Jones feet pictures

Suranne Jones feet pictures

Famous Hollywood Feet

Each of its letters stands 45 feet tall and 110 m long. It can be seen from miles away. Its primary purpose was to advertise a housing development in the hills above the district of Los Angeles. But after a few years from its date of creation, the rise of American cinema in Los Angeles was looking for a symbol. And it has to be the Hollywood Sign
It was first erected in 1923 and once read as "HOLLYWOODLAND" to advertise a newly developed housing project situated above Los Angeles. Hobart J. Whitley, The owner of the housing project was about to put up a sign at a different location that would not cost him. But Hollywood hills seemed to be the perfect location to advertise their housing development. After more than half of a century, the sign started deteriorating and began to receive several damages
But in 1978, shock rocker Alice Cooper took part in campaigning for the restoration of the sign as it also served as an iconic symbol of American movies, mainly in Los Angeles. The total amount raise reached up to $249,300 to replace the letters of steel to withstand extreme weather and to prevent further deterioration. The new, better version of the sign was televised in November 14, 1978 which commemorates Hollywood's 75th anniversary

There have been numerous imitations and modifications from the famous sign for commercial purposes as the city of Los Angeles allowed it. It also appeared in several movies such as Superman, The Day After Tomorrow, The Rocketeer, amongst others